New Partnership set to deliver the best Christmas yet in Sunderland

02 October 2014

Media Release

Thursday, 2 October 2014

New Partnership set to deliver the best Christmas yet in Sunderland

This year Christmas in Sunderland will be taken to glittering festive heights by a newly formed partnership between Sunderland Live, Sunderland City Council and Sunderland Business Investment District. The three organisations have confirmed they are working together to deliver a diverse and packed programme of Christmas activity which will prove to be Sunderland’s best Christmas yet.

Chris Alexander, Chief Operating Officer at Sunderland Live said: “In order to get the best possible Christmas experience for Sunderland it made sense to work collaboratively. By pooling our resources we are able to maximise all elements of the programme, from the creative ideas through to the detail of event delivery, meaning that visitors and residents will get the best that the city has to offer.”

The programme, which will begin with the Christmas Light Switch on event, will run from Thursday 13 November to Tuesday 6 January and will see the city centre explode into light whilst bringing the streets to life with an exciting schedule of street entertainment. Fans of more traditional Christmas fun won’t be disappointed either as Mowbray Park plays host to Santa’s real reindeer, a range of festive films and a visit from the big man himself.

Cllr John Kelly, Sunderland City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Wellness and Culture said: “Working with partners such as Sunderland Live and Sunderland BID we aim to create a magical Christmas experience for the thousands of shoppers and visitors that come to the city centre over the festive period.

"We hope everyone will find time to join in with our Christmas celebrations, with this year's programme of events promising to be the best ever.”

Ken Dunbar, Chief Executive at Sunderland BID commented: “Christmas is a key time of year for retailers and businesses in the city centre which is why we chose to work with Sunderland City Council and Sunderland Live to deliver the best Christmas yet.

“By combining our resources we are able to deliver a Christmas programme that will inspire people to visit the city centre and stay longer to enjoy the various festive activities, which in turn will be a real benefit to the traders.”

For further information on Christmas in Sunderland visit