A message from Sunderland BID

13 March 2020

We appreciate the current situation is very worrying and that there is a great deal of concern about coronavirus, but we want you to know that it is very much business as usual at the BID and we are here to give you our support, as we would at any time. 

If you have an urgent issue and you cannot get hold of anyone at the office, then feel free to contact us via our mobiles listed below, where we have also outlined who is the best point of contact for each particular need.

Our street ranger, Lee, will also be carrying out his usual brilliant job of providing businesses with support, so please feel free to contact him as usual.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if we can be of any assistance.

Contact details for Sunderland BID team:

Sharon Appleby - Head of Business Operations 
07740 175 230

Kirsty Currie - Operations Manager 
07904 993 754

Natalie Dellow - Marketing and Communications Coordinator 
07572 659 049

Roberta Dambrauskaite - Operations Coordinator 
07903 793 940

Lee Taylor - Street Ranger 
07940 519 270