Go Smarter to Work is a free behaviour change programme working in partnership with businesses across Sunderland promoting sustainable travel with a view to:
- Reducing local congestion;
- Improving air quality by reducing CO2 emissions
- Encouraging active travel options to employees to improve their health and well-being
GSTW can offer free sustainable travel advice and guidance to employers and employees as well as free activities, including Nordic Walks, Led Health Walks, Pedometer Challenges and Active Travel Events.
The first step is to contact the GSTW team – [email protected] or 0191 561 4267 to arrange a meeting to discuss your organisation’s sustainable travel needs.
The next step is to sign up your business to participate in a Staff Travel Survey, which asks how employees travel to work, and (where appropriate) how they travel during their working day. To encourage greater uptake in the survey, each participant has the opportunity to take part in a free prize draw. The survey can be undertaken on line or in paper format and only takes a few minutes to complete.
Following on from the survey, the data is analysed and a report produced which is shared with the organisation identifying those employees who could be encouraged to consider various sustainable options for their commute to work, such as car sharing, walking, cycling or using public transport. At this stage the free activities mentioned above can be arranged.