BID Sunderland Business Consultation Workshops Summary

07 May 2013

On Wednesday 10 April and Friday 12 April 2013, Sunderland City businesses were invited to attend one of two Workshops designed to review and prioritise the inspiring ideas for how a BID can play a vital role in accelerating the growth and revitalisation of our City Centre. The Workshops were attended by over 70 Sunderland business people.

The Workshops specifically focused on priorities for:

  • Safety and security
  • Events and marketing
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • The evening economy
  • Signage, access and communication

The feedback from the workshops and widespread consultation carried out over the last 6 months will influence and inform the Business Plan and budget allocation for the five-year term of the BID, which will become the formal proposal on which eligible ratepayers vote this summer.

Safety and security

Headline issues

  • Perception of safety in Sunderland is far more negative than statistics would suggest.
  • Lack of confidence in safety and security is exacerbated by the streets being quiet, particularly in back streets and after dark.
  • The evening economy after 5pm is hampered by visitors and residents not feeling safe to move around the City Centre.
  • Some public car parks subject to poor lighting and access problems.
  • Low awareness of public transport offering, taxi availability and issues around safety, access and reliability.
  • Issues related to drug and alcohol in some key areas of the City Centre – high fear of crime in Sunniside.

 Priorities to consider

  • Changing perception and increasing confidence in City Centre safety and security.
  • More visible police presence and Street Ambassadors/Street Pastors.
  • Rapid response team to deal quickly with any issues.
  • Activities need to be joined up between venues, retailers and the police.
  • Safety and security strengthened before and after key events.
  • Better lit and accessible car parking for access to businesses.
  • Taxi free phones.
  • Additional taxi marshals and better positioning of taxi ranks including temporary ranks or pop up taxi stands around the City at busier times.
  • More CCTV.
  • Lobbying voice needed to influence decision making on safety and security.

Events and marketing

 Headline issues

  • Need to explore how City Centre businesses can capitalise more from existing events at major venues.
  • Improve the way existing events are marketed and promoted in Sunderland, across the region and nationally.
  • More events to attract families and older people.
  • Better co-ordination with public transport to help access to events.

Priorities to consider

  • A more co-ordinated programme of quality and sustainable events running throughout the year to attract and retain visitors to the City Centre.
  • Work with Sunderland Live to improve organisation and reach of existing events to benefit local businesses, e.g. hold Christmas Lights switch on in the City Centre.
  • Cultural food and drink events such as Restaurant Week or Park Food Festival involving local businesses and restaurants.
  • High quality markets promoting Sunderland businesses and products.
  • Fewer events with a bigger impact.
  • Better marketing and promotion of a full timetable of events, including more use of social media and technology.
  • Street events and activities, such as street theatre and licensed busking.
  • Better co-ordination with public transport to help access to events.
  • Organise supporting events in the City Centre to maximise concerts at the Stadium, encouraging audiences to stay in Sunderland longer.
  • Explore introducing free parking for events.

Cleaning and maintenance

Headline issues

  • Empty buildings and general dilapidation create an impression of a neglected City Centre.
  • Tougher sanctions needed to tackle litter dropping, vandalism and other anti-social behaviour.
  • City Centre needs brightening through more flowers and colour.
  • Limited awareness of Council’s existing cleaning and maintenance services, such as the Helpline.
  • More access to a rapid response clean team / vomit removal.
  • Empty properties create visual problems and are not always well maintained causing damp in adjacent properties.

 Priorities to consider

  • More awareness of the Council’s existing services and how businesses can access rapid responses and support.
  • Improve visibility and reward good behaviour by the public and businesses.
  • Hold designated environmental/clean up days involving the public, businesses and city centre communities.
  • Link into national activity such as Green One Day.
  • Keep Sunderland clean campaign to change culture of dropping litter.
  • Fixed penalties when offences are committed.
  • Prevent fly tipping and fly posting.
  • More recycling points, small bins and ashtrays.
  • Introduce shop jackets and shutters in empty properties or closed premises.
  • Address responsibilities of absent landlords, taking into account the impact on the tenant of landlord enforcement.

Evening economy

Headline issues

  •  A stronger evening economy is very dependent on other BID priorities – particularly safety and security and access.
  • Capital investment programme needs better communication.
  • Initiatives are needed to attract families in the early evening.
  • More activity designed to increase the visitor dwell time and spend.
  • Lobbying voice needed for businesses in the evening economy.
  • Cost of parking in the evening can be a deterrent to visitors.
  • Long walking distance between areas of the City Centre and difficulty moving people around the City, e.g. Bridges Shopping Centre closed in the evening which limits access.
  • More coach parking needed.

Priorities to consider

  • Vision for the City Centre –communicate the development plans for zoned areas of the City Centre.
  • Create a wider offering for families and different age groups.
  • Target professionals to stay in the City Centre after 5pm and introduce special offers for City Centre based workforces.
  • Improve the lunch time offering.
  • Free parking after 5pm, combined with late night shopping and restaurant offers.
  • Encourage the use of public transport – buses and the Metro.
  • Effective Marketing of the evening offer.
  • Introduce new transport mediums for small journeys – eg tuk tuks, bicycles.
  • Better links to events and Empire Theatre packages.

Signage, access and communication

Headline issues

  • Current access and signage can be confusing for City Centre visitors to Sunderland.
  • Signage needs to be de-cluttered, co-ordinated and branded to help visitors (pedestrians and motorists) find their way around the City.
  • More guidance is also needed to help visitors and residents understand the City Centre attractions.
  • Need better access to major stores with drop off points
  • Need major improvements to Central Station.
  • The current road network creates difficulty in accessing Central Station.

Priorities to consider

  • Improved quality and consistent signage, prioritising the areas with the highest footfall.
  • More signage in car parks to inform residents and visitors.
  • Better sign posting of one-way systems.
  • Develop a Map app for restaurants / pubs / general places of interest.
  • Produce a free printed street map or City Centre guide.
  • Produce a regular Events Guide.
  • Install large maps and digital access points around the City Centre.
  • Explore more innovative uses of technology and display to communicate.
  • Access once the Bridges closes in the evening.
  • Street Wardens to help direct visitors during events.