Business Support

Business & IP Centre North East provides a grant to businesses to fully fund support, provided by Citylife Experts, helping them to grow and implement new models of delivery, equipping them to compete in our challenging economic climate and plan for their future.

a group of people recieving training in a classroom


Citylife Business Support is available to businesses within Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and Sunderland.

Support is available for businesses to grow and adapt to the challenging conditions that many are currently facing. The support is aimed at helping businesses to adapt to these new challenges, increase business resilience, creating and safeguard jobs.

Citylife Business Support is funded through the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s Place Innovation Programme and by Newcastle City Council. It is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority, Gateshead Council and Sunderland City Council as the lead authorities.

eligible SME’s
Can Access

    • Karen Williamson speaking to businesses at the Retail Strategy Event

      12 hours
      free support

      BIPC North East’s Citylife Experts are available to provide twelve hours of free advice tailored to individual needs.

      This could be one-to-one advice and support, delivered online or in person, or it could be a project or piece of work that they would carry-out on your behalf.

    • BIPC Workshop


      Businesses can draw on the experience of more than 40 Experts who can support them to re-position their business activities.

      Workshops are topical and are based on common themes and business needs identified from the businesses supported.

      Advice ranges from digital and online capabilities, business finance and cash flow, access to new contracts and market opportunities, employment law, continuity planning, introducing green or sustainable aspects to your business, and re-focusing business operations.

    • BIPC Event


      BIPC also offers a range of workshops and events, most of which are in person. The events are held at a variety of venues, including Newcastle City Library, 7 BIPC Locals and other venues around the North East region.

      As part of a national network of Business & IP Centres, local businesses can also tap into free online webinars, details of which can be found on BIPC North East’s events page.

    birdseye view of a desk full of working colleagues

    HOW TO

    To be elligible, a business must be an SME (small or medium enterprise)

    Go to the BIPC’s Experts-in-Residence page to find out which Experts can support the needs you have, complete the initial appointment form on the Expert’s individual page and submit it online, providing details of the type of support you are looking for.

    If you are unsure of who to speak to, fill in this contact form and the BIPC can help you choose an Expert.

    You can find out more here.